Our Environment
Sinclair & Rush Contributes To A Greener World
Sharing the planet responsibly with customers, employees, communities and suppliers is the driving force behind key sustainability efforts at Sinclair & Rush, Inc. As we monitor new compliance regulations and the ever-increasing consumer demand to provide environmentally friendly products and services, we continue to take action, small and large, as part of our environmental initiative.
Here are just a few of the changes we have made recently, some of which have resulted in decreased operation and overhead expenses. Whenever possible we have passed along some of the benefits to our customers. In addition, some of these actions are simple, non-regulated and, therefore, not required contributions, but a willing commitment to a clean and green environment.
Replaced the roof of one building, a plant and our headquarters, with a roofing product that helps lower the energy bills, while conserving electricity by reflecting the sun away from the roof.
Shred-It bins have been placed throughout the office to collect unwanted papers, which will be picked up by the service who recycles it into new products.
Energy efficient ballasts and bulbs replaced old energy-consuming units throughout the Offices, Shops, Labs and Finishing Departments.
Cardboard is collected in containers stationed in the plant and hauled away for recycling.
In the production area of one entire plant, metal halide fixtures were removed and new high-efficiency light fixtures and bulbs were installed, resulting in a 40% reduction of electrical usage for lighting.
Off hours shutdown procedures conserves energy by reducing use of auxiliary equipment and air handling units.
Installed a variable speed 150 hp compressor, which operates at about 75% of the KW of the old unit, yet with the same capacity.
Use of recyclable materials in production of final consumer packaging.
Constant analysis of raw materials used in production to meet regulations.
Foam cups have been eliminated as a staple supply.
Automated e-mail invoicing will reduce paper waste in the form of envelopes and creates a postage savings that can be used toward other green initiatives.
Recycling containers for aluminum cans and plastic bottles are available and full containers are hauled away to a recycling facility.
Our UK office has also joined us in our Green efforts by increasing the amount they recycle and reducing waste.
Expansion of raw materials offered to give consumer more options.
Provide scrap vinyl to a hose manufacturer for production of new hoses.
Recycling of raw materials such as PETG, FPVC, and RPVC.
There are many topics related to "going green" and it is a difficult task to be a champion on all aspects. However, the family of companies of Sinclair & Rush wish to assist you in your endeavor to learn more. Below are resources which we hope you will find beneficial in your study of a greener environment. You will find links to material information, packaging news, and other green efforts.
Resin Identification Codes are everywhere, but often consumers are unaware as to the meaning. Here is a file from the American Chemical Council that offers clarification.
SPI Resin Identification Code Guide - Here's more about the codes and how to use them from the Society of the Plastics Industry.
Eastman Recycling Statement As a supplier for the Sinclair and Rush Companies, Eastman Chemical provides information on materials used in our products.
More from Eastman Chemical Materials and recycling are discussed in this article.
Another Viewpoint We have a few viewpoints below, but what are others saying? Click to learn more.
More Debate So many sources on the subject of public or scientific opinion. Read on.
Science vs. Politics Who are the experts?
There are many associations related to plastics and here are a few to help you learn more. You will find material regarding regulations, safety, health, packaging news, and much more.
SPI, the Plastics Industry Trade Association supports a wide range of topics, including the Flexible Vinyl Products Division.
For more about safety read the Vinyl Institute's information along with much more on vinyl.
American Chemistry Council Plastics Division
Interest in the environment and health is increasingly on the rise and is influenced by consumers, politics, government and private industry. Therefore, the Sinclair & Rush family of companies is also making a contribution. We hope you find the following editorials enlightening.
It's Not Easy Being Green Does anyone really know what to do to be green? Read on and see if you agree.
What Are Phthalates? There's a lot of talk about it, but exactly what's it all about? Click the link to learn more.
The Phthalate Controversy Toys from China were pulled from store shelves and quickly reason was being challenged. Read more by clicking the link.
Banned Phthalates, Products and Packaging Oddly, the ban applies only to a minor (no pun intended) classification. So much over so little. Click, read and you decide.